Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Arch

Just one more post and I'm all caught up!

Nonna was off work the very last Friday of summer vacation.  I asked the boys what they wanted to do and they said the arch.  I was a mess - my back was bothering me, I had no idea where to park, there was crazy construction. . . on and on.

Like I tell the boys, I needed to change my attitude.  It turned out to be a pretty great outing!

 It's hard to beleive that those tiny little rectangles are actually windows - and that we would get to ride up to look out of them!

 We wanted photographic proof that each of us actually went up 630 feet in that tiny, little, egg shaped elevator!

 Momma needed proof too.  It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  I think I was about Max's age last time I went up in the arch!

 Nonna pointed out all kinds of things to the kids - including our van that was parked a million miles away.

 Before we knew it the time had come to enter the egg one last time to head back down to earth.

I think they liked it :)
 After going up in the arch we checked out the newly renovated keiner plaza.  The kids enjoyed the playground, but it was hot and everyone was getting hungry.

After a bit - okay a big - attitude adjustment on my part it was a great outing.  Adventures are always more fun with the Nonna!

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