Thursday, August 10, 2017

Critter Camp for Kids

Over the course of two weeks both of the big boys attended Critter Camp for Kids at the Humane Society.  It got 10 thumbs up from both boys - they loved it!  

 William attended with kids 6-8 years old and he was one of only four boys.  He didn't seem too bothered!  The kids did great work to help the shelter animals become more adoptable.  A big part of that was training the dogs. Each day they worked with their groups dog - William's group went through three dogs because they kept getting adopted! 

Max attended camp the following week in the older kid time slot.  A friend from school joined him which made it even more fun.

On Friday families are invited up to see the dog training in practice.  The kids also explained some of what they had learned about animals.

From decorating cat cages, to training the dogs, to observing surgery the boys had such a great time.  On Wednesday they boarded a bus first thing in the morning to head out to the rescue ranch.  Another day they heard from the animal cruelty task force - and even got badges saying they were official junior officers.  It was a fabulous experience for both boys and I think it truly did help them to develop an even deeper sense of empathy for animals.

I'm so proud to have some very kind kids!

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