Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Grant's Farm

 Another summer flashback post. . . I was determined to squeeze every last drop of fun out of our summer.  And if I'm honest that last week was rough - I needed assistance :)

Cue  the wonderful Great Aunt Carmelina.  She was more than willing to join us on a trip to Grant's Farm.

 Feeding the goats never gets old.  They were so darn cute - the kids and the goats.

All three boys are pros at feeding the goats and there are no more tears.  We got there as soon as they opened and it was so nice because it wasn't crowded at all.
 We watched the animal encounters show and rode the carousal.  Jack can always find the bench.  No up an down for him!
 New this year you could feed the older goats dry food. The boys really liked it - they wanted to feed the goats all the food!  The look on Jack's face here just cracks me up.

 We checked out the kangaroo and the elephants too.
Last but not least we headed to the stable to see the Clydesdale.  Max was amazed at how huge they were!  It was a great way to spend one of our last days of summer vacation - and we couldn't have asked for better company!

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