Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Arch

Just one more post and I'm all caught up!

Nonna was off work the very last Friday of summer vacation.  I asked the boys what they wanted to do and they said the arch.  I was a mess - my back was bothering me, I had no idea where to park, there was crazy construction. . . on and on.

Like I tell the boys, I needed to change my attitude.  It turned out to be a pretty great outing!

 It's hard to beleive that those tiny little rectangles are actually windows - and that we would get to ride up to look out of them!

 We wanted photographic proof that each of us actually went up 630 feet in that tiny, little, egg shaped elevator!

 Momma needed proof too.  It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  I think I was about Max's age last time I went up in the arch!

 Nonna pointed out all kinds of things to the kids - including our van that was parked a million miles away.

 Before we knew it the time had come to enter the egg one last time to head back down to earth.

I think they liked it :)
 After going up in the arch we checked out the newly renovated keiner plaza.  The kids enjoyed the playground, but it was hot and everyone was getting hungry.

After a bit - okay a big - attitude adjustment on my part it was a great outing.  Adventures are always more fun with the Nonna!

Grant's Farm

 Another summer flashback post. . . I was determined to squeeze every last drop of fun out of our summer.  And if I'm honest that last week was rough - I needed assistance :)

Cue  the wonderful Great Aunt Carmelina.  She was more than willing to join us on a trip to Grant's Farm.

 Feeding the goats never gets old.  They were so darn cute - the kids and the goats.

All three boys are pros at feeding the goats and there are no more tears.  We got there as soon as they opened and it was so nice because it wasn't crowded at all.
 We watched the animal encounters show and rode the carousal.  Jack can always find the bench.  No up an down for him!
 New this year you could feed the older goats dry food. The boys really liked it - they wanted to feed the goats all the food!  The look on Jack's face here just cracks me up.

 We checked out the kangaroo and the elephants too.
Last but not least we headed to the stable to see the Clydesdale.  Max was amazed at how huge they were!  It was a great way to spend one of our last days of summer vacation - and we couldn't have asked for better company!

Peach Picking

Brian is boycotting our usual favorite farm because they charge a dollar a person to go pick fruit now.  So we headed about an extra mile down the road to a new to us farm and it was perfect!

 There was  a super fun playground that the kids enjoyed before we headed to the tractor.  These two big boys were feeling all kinds of funny.  I dare anyone to look at these faces and not smile!

 We stopped at the blackberry patch first.  I have to say, that wasn't my favorite.  They have too many seeds and it felt like they were too tart or too sweet.  The boys were ready to move on to the peaches!
 That smile with those summertime freckles on his nose. . .

 Those big blue eyes . . .
 This one trying so hard to eat a peach without bothering his two front teeth.
 I just don't know how I got so lucky!

 The farm also grows all kinds of vegetables.  The corn wasn't ready quite yet, but the boys thought it was pretty neat to see it growing.  I thought it made for a pretty gorgeous backdrop.

Every day is an adventure with these four crazy men, but I love when we go on true adventures as a family.  Life doesn't get much better!

I think we will have to check out his farm for apple picking soon!

Chess Tournament

I really need to catch up on my blogging!  I thought I would have so much time after the boys all went back to school. It sure doesn't feel like it!

Here is a quick summer catch up post.  At the end of July Max participated in his very first chess tournament.  We had other things going on that day too, but Grandpa Jack was kind enough to offer to take him.  It was a whole day ordeal and we were able to go down for a portion of the fun.

 Max played four matches.  He won two and lost two.  We were all pretty happy about that.  He really enjoyed it and is already talking about signing up for another.  The chess club holds them monthly, but with two boys playing soccer this season our Saturdays are crazy busy!

 While Max and grandpa finished up at the chess tournament Brian and I took the little boys to the park.  It was a gorgeous day and I think they had just a little bit of fun :)

 Watching my boys play on the playground is one of the very best parts of parenthood.  They have so much fun and the joy that shines from them is contagious.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

First Day of School

Yesterday was the big day.  These three wild men headed back to school.

Last year of preschool for this super cute little man.

 First grade for this little comedian.

 And fourth grade for my first baby that is nowhere near a baby any more.

 I could only get the two little boys to make funny faces.  Max is just growing up to darn fast!

 The big boys took the bus to school.  All summer William was super excited because they might be able to sit together on the bus again - I guess the bus driver had to separate them last year.

After the big boys were off this guy was next to be dropped off.  He was all smiles when I picked him up after school.  He told me about playing picnic in the kitchen.  He also enjoyed his snack and loved trying to hang from the triangle things on the playground.  He told me it was too hard, but that he would keep trying.   The big boys were happy when I picked them up.  Max's favorite part of his day was meeting his new teacher.  William loved eating snack outside and having two recesses.  We celebrated a great first day with dinner out - where Max lost his 11th tooth.  See, I told you he was getting old!!!