Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

So thankful today and every day!  I'm so glad we are all healthy and were able to celebrate with both sides of our family today.  It was wonderful!

Max was in heaven because he had people to play Battleship and Uno with - Mommy and Daddy were in heaven too because it wasn't us :)

 The cousins were in town so there was lots of fun.  The boys thought the Macy's parade was pretty neat - especially the cirque de soleil pirate ship float.  They looked too cute in this chair watching together.

Jack had so much fun playing with gandpa Jack.  This cute little bus has been a hit for all three of my kids.  But I have to say that this little peg game with Great Grandma was his favorite part of the day.  He would have stood there with her for hours just putting those little pegs in and pulling them back out again.
 Daddy's shoulders are Will's favorite place to be.  Each night Brian takes him up to bed on his shoulders.  Will thinks it's extra funny when he covers Daddy's eyes.  I don't think Daddy always finds that part so funny.

 While it isn't all the kids I think they make a pretty cute group together.
After a yummy meal and lots of fun and grandma and grandpa's we headed over to Nonna and Nonno's house.  Today was even extra special because Aunt Sue, Uncle Will and sweet cousin Madeline were in town.  Jack and Maddie were born on the very same day - just four hours and about 1,500 miles apart.  It was too cute to watch them chase each other all over the house.

Once again my mom made us all say what we are thankful for.  Growing up as an only child it is fun to now have a father and two brothers, not to mention a sister in law and a Josie:)  I love how much my family has grown from the days of just mom and I.  Such and amazing holiday and I look forward to many more to come!

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