Thursday, November 20, 2014

18 Months

Wow.  A year and a half already?  I just can't believe it.  I feel like I can barely remember life before Jack joined our family, but then again it feels like just yesterday I was longing for him to be born.  Crazy how things work like that.

So eighteen months in and he is doing great!  This little man has no fear.  Gross motor things are a bit tough for Jack, but that doesn't slow him down.  He keeps up with his brothers and climbs on everything!  One day I was doing dishes and looked up to see him standing in the middle of the table on the screened in porch.  He was so proud!  He was clapping and yelling yay.  It was so cute - too bad I have to discourage that kind of thing.

He loves having me all to himself on the mornings when Will is at school.  We run errands, hit the gym, and once a week we go over to the early childhood center for a play class.  It's so funny to watch him at hte play class.  I can tell that his brother rub off on him.  He gets a bit ticked when other kids try to get in his space.  At least I know he can stand up for himself, as for the pushing we will have to work on that one.  I don't get a lot of one on one time with my baby, so I enjoy this so much.

He is talking up a storm.  Sometimes Brian and I look at each other and question if he really just said that. Some of the words that come out are just so clear. He probably has about thirty or so words and he is beginning to put things together - like when he insists "I see" when Nonna gets out he ipad.

His eighteen month check up went well.  He continues to be long and lean like his big brother Max - 85th for height and 50th for weight.  One of his favorite things to do is color.  He especially loves to use markers, although I think part of the fun is just taking the cap off and putting it back on again.

I have to thank cousin Marichu for this gorgeous picture.  It sure if nice to have a talented photographer in the family now.  Too bad she lives so far away.  I guess she should just visit more often :)

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