Monday, November 10, 2014

Halloween Bash

Every year Aunt Carm and Uncle Mike's Halloween party just gets better and better.  This is was no exception.  In addition to all the usual suspects, cousin Butch, his wife Marichu, MJ, and Uncle Butch were all in town!

Since we missed Butch and Marichu's wedding party Saturday night we were thrilled to be able to catch up with them on Sunday evening. 
Will cracked us up eating these pretzels.  They were crazy hot and he couldn't get enough of them.  I think he sat at that bowl until every last pretzel was gone.

Jack really did have more fun that it looks like.  Since it was so hot we didn't put the kids in their costumes.  He had a great time wandering around and chasing all the big kids.  I love that this family party has six kids under seven.  It's so much fun to watch them play and interact!

The boys  just love their Aunt Carm and their Nonna.  Watching them snuggle up was just too cute.
Max was a total trooper.  He was the star of the party with his cast and sling.  He did a good job putting on a brave face.  Eventually it started to hurt, but some medicine helped make it all better.  Well medicine and a smore.  He had been talking for weeks about the smores that Aunt Carm and Uncle Mike would have at their party.  In fact when he was screaming out in pain during his xrays I kept telling him to think about the smores. 

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