Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Trunk or Treat Gone Wrong

 It all started out wonderfully.  Grandpa Jack and Uncle Tim were going to join Brian and the big boys for trunk or treat at Max's school while I stayed home with Jack and got ready for a wedding reception that night.  The kids couldn't wait to put on their costumes and they were so excited about getting candy.

 Max has been all excited about this Mario costume.  He LOVES anything Mario related so it was just perfect.  Although I am a bit sad that he has outgrown his love of my homemade costumes.
This little Man in the Yellow Hat on the other hand still loves mommy's creations.  He was so excited about dressing up and has been talking about his costume for months.  In fact I had to hide the hat in the back of my closet so that it would still be yellow come Halloweeen.

They boys packed up the van and headed off for the fun.  Things started out great.  They ate hotdogs, trick or treated and had lots of fun.  Max was on the playground with friends when it all went wrong.

Our little monkey fell off the monkey bars.  It wasn't pretty.  One of the moms is a nurse and told Brian right away that it was broken.  Unfortunately she was right.
 Grandpa Jack and Uncle Tim brought Will home and I met Brian nad Max at urgent care.  My poor little guy just looked so pitiful.  I went with him for the x-rays and I have to say that is one of my top five awful parenting moments so far.  Hearing my baby scream out in agony every time they moved his arm - and then I had to be the one to hold his arm in  position while they took the x-ray.  I still get upset thinking about his screams and the look on his face.  Brian even said how bad it sounded and he was several rooms away. 

Urgent care confirmed it was broken, but said it was actually a pretty bad break and that we should go to the hospital.  At least they put a splint on Max's arm before we left.  He was all excited with how much better it felt.

Two hours, and several more x-rays later, we talk to a doctor.  Two minutes into the discussion he tells us that Max needs surgery.  SURGERY!!!  We were shocked.  This particular break is very unstable and Max eneded up with two pins in his arm to keep things in place while they heal.

Brian headed home to relieve grandpa and around 1am Max was taken back for surgery.  I was so happy to see him in recovery - even though he pretty much refused to wake up.  Poor guy was just exhaused.

The next morning he was pretty excited about his new blue cast and not in too much pain.  We were able to leave the hospital around noon.  This cast is part of Max for the next six weeks and we have weekly appointment so that the doctor can x-ray his arm and make sure things are still where they need to be.  I guess with three wild boys we were bound to see a broken bone at some point.  We just got the bad one out of the way first.

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