Thursday, December 26, 2013

Oh, Christmas Tree

I love Christmas trees.  They smell so homey and they light up the room so beautifully.  I would keep it up all year long if it was socially acceptable, if I didn't have three kids - and a cat - that keep playing with it, and if I didn't have to sweep up needles and water it each day.  Okay, maybe I am ready for the tree to leave my home, but I sure have enjoyed it.  The boys have loved it too!

 Max loved helping to decorate and he takes his job of putting on the star on the top very seriously.  He was also very excited to find all of the presents with his name on them.

 Our sweet little man in the middle couldn't get enough of the Christmas tree.  Or more accurately he couldn't get enough of hiding behind the tree.  We called Nonna and Nonno yesterday and he took the phone and hid behind the tree and refused to come out.  The longer the tree was out the fewer ornaments were on the lower third.  Will really liked checking out the ornaments up close.  Luckily Max was there to help and he would take the ornaments and relocate them a little bit higher on the tree.

This little sweetie also loved the tree.  He rolled over there every opportunity he had.  I couldn't leave him alone because he would disappear under the three and come out covered in needles.  Jack quickly realized that they didn't taste too yummy.  There weren't any ornaments within Jack's reach, but he sure did like grabbing that lowest  strand of lights.

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