Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Eight Months Old

And a couple days :)  We have been so busy having fun with all the cousins in town that I didn't get a chance to post Jack's eight month update. 

Jack loved all the attention of his aunts, uncles, and cousins.  He just ate it up and smiled at anyone willing to look his way. 
So let's see. . . what is new for Jack at eight months?  He is up to seven teeth - and I think the eight might be working it's way through the gum soon.  I don't think there could possibly be a happier baby in all the world.  Jack is content to play on his own, but loves it when one of his brothers joins him.  His favorite toy at this point is little people.  They are just the right size for his baby hands to hold and I think chewing on them is as good as any teether a baby could ask for. 

Jack is also a master roller.  He moves all over the room just by rolling.  Little by little his adding some scooching to his bag of tricks.  I've noticed that he seems to be very flexible and he has several different sitting positions that allow him to get what he wants without falling over.  I think soon he will be able to go from laying down to sitting up on his own - we aren't quite there yet.  I'm content for my baby to stay a baby just a little bit longer.  After all I remember just all the fun, and the not so much fun, that a crawling baby brings.  If Brian thinks I'm obsessive about sweeping the floors now, he hasn't seen anything yet!

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