Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Day

 Christmas Day was amazing!   We sang happy birhtday to Jesus - even though he is missing.  Max hid him somewhere and we can't find him. 

The boys woke up to this note from Santa.

 Max was so excited that he got what he asked for - a Lego train!  We spent an hour and a half putting the big engine together only to find out that the battery pack doesn't work.  A new one is being mailed from Denmark and will be here in 10 days.  Very frustrating!

 Will was all excited about his Pete the cat puppets and his four groovy buttons.  Pete is a favorite in our house.  If you ask Will if Pete cried he says 'oodness no' and it is so stinking cute!

 Jack thought his first Christmas morning was pretty great.  He loved all of his new books and his new puzzle was pretty great too.
 It doesn't get any better than spending Christmas morning with these four!

Jack was in great spirtits when we went to celebrate Christmas with the Dull's.  He was all smiles!
 Will loves hiding.  He thinks that if he can't see you, you can't see him.  He and daddy looked too cute playing their hiding game together.

 Of course there were more presents and lots of fun time with the cousins.
 And even more Pete!
Another amazing holiday spent with even better company.  I mean how does it get any cuter than this picture of our sweet nephew?  That look of pure joy is just priceless. 

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