Saturday, December 28, 2013

Cousin Fun

What a fun evening!  We hosted dinner for all of Brian's family - which means all of the cousins came over!  All of the cousins is quite the feat considering one set of cousins lives on one coast and another lives clear across the country. 

The kids played outside in the yard for an hour or so before dinner.  Between the playset, swing, and the wagon all nine kiddos looked like they were having a great time.  Will was too funny.  He doesn't seem to mind that he is three years younger than all the other kids.  Whatever they were doing he was going to be right there in the thick of it.
Grandma and Grandpa were all excite to have all nine of their grandkids in one place, so of course we had to get a picture - or 50 - to document the occasion.  Can't to see what kind of cousin fun the kids have tomorrow!

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