Sunday, December 15, 2013

Fun in the Snow

Yesterday morning we woke up to several inches of beautiful, fluffy white snow.  The kids couldn't wait to get out there to play in it.  Daddy was a trooper and shoveled and played with them outside for almost an hour and a half!  Luckily it really wasn't too cold, so everyone enjoyed themselves.  We bought sleds to give the boys for Christmas, but we couldn't help letting them enjoy their present just a tad bit early. 

They looked too cute all bundled up - Will in snow pants that are still way too big for him and Max in a pair that are way too small.  Didn't seem to faze them one bit.

Max loved sledding.  He must have gone down the hill in the back yard fifty times.  Will wasn't so wild about it.  In fact, he flat out refused to try it.  He did have a great time wandering around the yard in his snow boots.  He likes them so much that he hasn't worn any other shoes for the past two days.  These two just crack me up.

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