Sunday, April 15, 2012

Typical Weekend

Even when our weekends feel like we did nothing special, they are still incredibly special at the same time. Just the time we get to spend together is special, even if the highlight of our day included staying in jammies until noon and making a trek to Costco, it time well spent. This was pretty much the extent of our Saturday - well that, and the six loads of laundry I did. The boys snuggled with Daddy int he chair. I just love pictures of my boys laughing - the only thing better is hearing them laugh out loud.

Today we did have one fun event, we helped to celebrate James' first birthday. He and Will are 'birthday buddies' born exactly one week apart. Will got all fancied up in his one pair of jeans in order to help James celebrate. Max was just glad there was a playground.

I had to throw in this second picture of Will because I just can't get enough of his beautiful eyes and amazing lashes. I know I may be biased, but he is just gorgeous! He is just looking so grown up!

Now it is just time to sit back and relax before gearing up for the work week. We are in for some pretty wicked storms tonight, so I'm sure Brian and I will have a guest while we try to sleep tonight. We REALLY do need to spring for a king size bed before Will develops a fear of storms too.

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