Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Preperations

Happy Holy Saturday! What a busy day we have had. Daddy is out of town for Aunt Stacey's wedding, so Aunt Anna has come over to lend a hand. This morning we spent some time outside potting Max's tomato plants and watering his zinnia seeds. I have to say that I'm a little surprised they are growing as well as they are. Max counted the sprouts yesterday and was all excited to find 26 baby plants growing.

Baby Will hung out with Aunt Anna - she felt very cool wearing the Ergo. Will was happy as long as they stayed in the shade.

Max got all excited when he found a new little friend. He watch a cute little caterpillar climb all the way across the driveway, up the retaining wall, and through the grass. He was mesmerized.

Tonight we worked on dying eggs. Max was way too excited to stay still and smile for a picture but he had a great time.

Tomorrow we head to St. Ambrose and then to Berra Park for the Easter Egg hunt. I went to this hunt every year as a kid and I can't wait to see Max enjoy it. Then we get to celebrate the holiday with a great dinner with family. The only thing that could make it better was if Daddy was here to celebrate with us.

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