Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Bean Plant

Are these boys not the cutest? And yes, Max's pants are ridiculously short in this picture. He spilled water on his pants at school this morning so he came home in his emergency pants - which happen to be from last winter.

Yesterday Max brought a bean plant home from school. The kids are currently studying spring, so growing beans fit pretty well. He was so excited to show me his little bean plant in his Dixie cup when I picked him up yesterday. After dinner tonight we were able to plant the bean seedling and Max was so excited!

I turned around to set Will down on his blanket and this is what I found when I turned back to Max. He had pulled his poor little bean plant right out of his cup. I asked what he was doing and his reply "It's okay mommy, my bean plant has roots!"

Max made a hole among his zinnia's so and gently put his little seedling into the whole. I had to help him cover it up, but he was so proud of himself. After the bean plant was safely in the ground, Max found another friend to play with, a caterpillar. I love how observant Max is of nature and the things around him. I stepped right over this little guy on the driveway while Max spotted him in an instant. He was so excited to have the caterpillar crawl on his shirt and he was so sweet when he gently put it on the grass because "Caterpillar's like grass Mommy".

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