Thursday, April 19, 2012

Soccer Star

Well he may not be a star yet, but he had fun! Soccer was scheduled to begin last Saturday, but mother nature had other plans. Max's coach, Ms. Heather, rescheduled for last night. Max was so excited when I picked him up from school and told him we had to hurry to practice. When we arrived however, Max wasn't quite as excited. He was pretty overwhelmed at first so Daddy headed out on the field with him.

Max warmed up really quickly and within five minutes daddy was able to leave him with the team and join me on the sidelines. The kids worked on dribbling between cones and stopping the ball. He needs some work on making small kicks. Every time he kicked the ball he gave it everything he had. It was adorable to watch.

The league goes up to seven, so I'm sure Max won't be the strongest player, but I was so proud of him for joining in and giving it a try. He really seemed to enjoy himself. Hopefully his game on Saturday will go as well.

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