Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekend Fun

As I type both boys are upstairs sleeping. I wonder how long this will last? I guess they are both worn out after a fun filled weekend. Yesterday morning Max and daddy headed to Lowe's to build a fire engine - with a working siren even. Max got an apron and safety goggles and he loves his little fire engine. I will get him to pose with it after nap. In the afternoon we had several tree stumps ground out in the back yard. Afterwards Brian and Max went to work. They threw out the bigger pieces, raked, and seeded. Max thought it was so fun to throw the grass seed out just like daddy. Don't you just love the Schnuck's stickers all over Max's shirt?

This morning while they were finishing the job by spreading fertilizer, I took Will and headed out to visit a friend and her new baby. Will and Blake looked so darn cute together! Will has a few months on Blake, so he looked huge in comparison. Will is all about teething right now and he almost used poor Blake's little hand. We explained to Will that he couldn't chew on Blake's hand, so instead he decided to hold it. Too cute!

All in all, another wonderful weekend. I know I say this often, but I just can't get over how lucky we are. Life is good, very good!

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