Monday, September 5, 2011

Four Month Check Up

Will visited Dr. Goldenberg a couple weeks ago to celebrate turning four months old - and to get some shots. Will did pretty well. He weighed in at 15 lb 7 oz and measured 26 in long. His growth has slowed down a bit, but he is still pretty high in the percentile ranks - 80 and 85th respectively. He is meeting all of his milestones just as an adorable little four month old should. He has even begun to roll over. He had been rolling on to his side for a while, but on Saturday morning he finally made it all the way over from his back to his tummy. He was pretty excited until he remembered that he really doesn't like being on his tummy all that much. He hasn't quite figured out how to get back on his back without help. I'm sure that will come in just another week or so.

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