Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Magic House

On Sunday evening Grandma and Grandpa Dull's church rented out the Magic House. Max was beyond thrilled. While I have to say it is not my favorite place he LOVES it! He explored the Alice in Wonderland exhibit with Uncle Tim. He thought it was pretty neat to look through the peepholes in the door.
He didn't want to stand still for anything and that included pictures. . . you would think we were torturing the poor boy.
Baby Will hung our the Ergo which is still the best baby gadget ever! He had lots of fun looking at people and drooling all over every thing. He has been a crazy drooler lately. In fact, I think he went through three bibs yesterday. Hopefully this tooth will make it's appearance soon so that he can get a bit of a break from the constant drool.
The perfect end to a wonderful evening came in the form of 'white' ice cream. Max was in heaven, as were the rest of us!

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