Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day

What a wonderful weekend we have had. Yesterday we headed to a nearby park to give Max some running around time. Will hung out in his seat trying to chew on his o-ball. This is one of his new favorite toys. I think he just loves how easy it is to grip.
After an hour or so of playground fun we headed home to make pizza for dinner. Max LOVES making pizza. Helped roll out the dough and spread his sauce all over - he didn't even make too much of a mess. That is until the cheese came out. I think more cheese ended up in his mouth than on his pizza. Good thing he ate while making his pizza - he wasn't too interested once it was cooked.

Today we met up with Max's Aunt Kathy and his cousins for some fun time picking apples. While the pickings were pretty slim - and I mean that literally - the kids had a great time. Will hung out in the carrier ( I think we may need to get him a bigger hat) and seemed to enjoy the beautiful weather.
Max loved running through the trees and he was so excited that Nonna Carlotta joined us. Max was more interested in eating an apple than in finding more to pick. I think this is a common theme for him when it comes to picking fruit. He did take time out from apple eating to pose for a pose for a picture or two with his cousins.

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