Monday, October 10, 2011

Pumpkin Picking

We could not have asked for a more beautiful day to hit the pumpkin patch with Aunt Kathy and the cousins. I was excited that we were actually able to take the kids out into the field to see how the pumpkins grew. I tried explaining that pumpkins grow from the flowers on the vine, but the kids were more interested in climbing on the giant pumpkins than in listening to my science lesson.

We did get Baby Will out of the Ergo long enough to pose for a picture with his big brother and cousins. Paisley cracked us up when she complained that Will was making her tummy hurt. I guess that is a five year old way of saying get this baby off of me.

The kids played at the playground for a while and we posed for a family shot. It is scary how few family pictures we have - most of them are just of the boys. We did leave with one small pumpkin. I tried to convince Max to pick out a better one, but he was pretty insistent. Today he realized he didn't make the best pick. He looked at his pumpkin on the counter when we got home, told me it was 'icky' and tried to throw it away. He cracks me up!

As we enjoyed the pumpkin patch yesterday I couldn't help but think of where we were a year ago. We had an offer to buy our house, I was about four months pregnant, and we were preparing to move in with my parents. We didn't even make it to the pumpkin patch last year. This year is a whole different ball game. We have not one, but two beautiful little boys to enjoy the fall. We are well settled in our new house and still can't believe we actually sold the old one. I have even started working on the boys Halloween costumes - or maybe I should say I started on Will's and Nonna has started on Max's. What a difference a year makes!

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