Sunday, August 21, 2011

Four Months Old

We celebrated Will's four month birthday with dinner at my parents - actually we were celebrating my step brothers birthday but it was still fun. Will is slowly but surely adjusting to life at Mrs. Cheryl's. He takes a little more mild from the bottle each day. I can't wait until he gets up to speed on his bottle milk because he has been waking up at night to make up for it.

He does have a few new tricks that have recently appeared. He is beginning to giggle. If I help him sit up he just giggles and giggles. I swear there is no better sound than my boys laughing.

Will has also discovered his feet. He grabs them any chance he gets. I'm sure it is just a matter of time before his toes end up in his mouth - like everything else.

Little by little Will is getting better at tummy time. He doesn't start crying right away so that is an improvement. He also scoots on his tummy. His little legs just push all that they can and he moves himself more than I would think possible. He does the same thing on his back. I'm worried I may have my hands full in a few months!

Max had lots fun at dinner as well. Nonno Mason was teaching him some wresting moves and Max just loved it!

Ever since our trip to Wisconsin Max thinks it is funny to yell "cheese curds' whenever someone takes a picture. It makes for some pretty funny faces.

We head to the doctor for Will's four month check up tomorrow. I wonder how much my little guy has grown?

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