Monday, July 10, 2017

Summer Days

Our summer is going by way too fast!  The boys and I are having a great time filling our days and it is going surprisingly smoothly.  I remember last summer was pretty good - this summer is even better.

The other morning we headed to William's park pick.  The boys had a great time checking out the playground and attempting to climb trees.

We finished up with a short hike through the woods.  It was perfect - a bit buggy, but perfect.  It was only 1/4 mile, which was perfect for Jack.  It was super hot out and we had been playing at the playground for a while first.  By the end of the trail the boys were thirsty.

This week Jack is in camp again so it's just me and the big boys in the mornings.  We have a longer hiked planned with friends from school on Thursday morning.  I can't wait!

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