Saturday, July 15, 2017

Nonna Day

Monday afternoon I dropped the big boys off with their Nonna and I picked up on Tuesday afternoon.  I think it's safe to say that they had a great time!

They headed to a cute little music shop so that Nonna could get William a strap for his guitar.  He loves it.  Max had taken his cello over too, so Nonna and Nonno heard lots of beautiful music :)

After the music shop they headed to the pool.  It was empty and they had a fabulous time!

On Tuesday our credit union did a tour of the zoo.  I thought it was a behind the scenes tour, but it was just a class about extreme animals.  Nonna took both of the big boys and there was only one meltdown over a little bank that poor William just couldn't fold correctly.  The program was intended for kids 8-11 so I guess it makes sense that Will had a rough go.  

 Nonna made up for it with yummy ice cream :)  They were exhausted when I picked them up, but they can't wait to have another adventure day with their sweet Nonna.

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