Monday, April 10, 2017

Uncle Sandy's Bird Park

Oh no. . . we are not going in there.  Let's turn around.  This place is creepy.  I don't think we will make it out alive.  These were just a few of the thoughts going through my mind as we pulled up to Uncle Sandy's in Pensacola - another one of Brian's crazy vacation outing finds. 

 A woman led us down a very worn, rainbow painted sidewalk and I was honestly wondering if we would ever be heard from again.  But it was crazy cool.

 Each of us got a cup of peanuts to feed to the birds.  They took them from our hands and it was pretty awesome. 

 All of the birds were beautiful!  The peacocks running around was the icing on the cake - although this one did make some crazy noise at Max that made me think it was ready to attack.

 We all loved it and Brian was super excited that I had to admit he was right and that the place was definitely a pretty great find. 

 As we left the employee told us that it was pretty unheard of for a family with three young kids to walk away without anyone getting bitten.  I'm glad she told us that on the way out and not on the way in :)

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