Monday, April 17, 2017

Boats and Planes in Alabama

The Maritime Museum in Mobile was another great stop on our trip the entire place was super kid friends and had lots of hands on activities for everyone in the family.

 William got a kick out of this pirate scene - although I think Brian was really the one that liked it :)

One of the exhibits talked about how they retrieve items from the floor of the ocean.  You could even try out the robot arm yourself.  Max was so close to picking up a coin!

 The kids area was a huge hit.  William was ready to board a ship and all three boys thought that the green screen was pretty cool.

 Jack enjoyed moving all the sea creatures around on the magnetic wall, but his very favorite part of the entire place was this shipping container exhibit.  One would light up on the floor and he would have to jump on it.  As he did, a fact would appear on the wall for me to read.  I think we read every single fact they had - about four times :)

 One day we headed over to Pensacola to check out the National Naval Aviation Museum.  Jack was in awe of the giant lights and planes hanging from the ceiling.

Here the boys stand before a flight log that shows this plane was the very first plane former President George H Bush every flew.  I'm not sure the boys got it, but I thought that was pretty cool.

 The highlight of Jacks visit was this super cool little playground.  He explored it top to bottom for an hour, while dad and the big brothers checked out the other exhibit.  The museum is on a working naval base, so there were naval personnel everywhere.  I was glad that Jack was contained and I didn't have to chase him for a bit.

 All three boys got to check out the cockpit of a Blue Angels plane.   There are even sometimes air shows on the base!  No air show on the day we visited, but they all enjoyed pretending to fly.  I was just shocked that a full grown man would fit in that tiny little cockpit!

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