Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Things Will Says

I have no picture, but I had to document what Will said last night.  Brian had a work dinner, so the little boys and I were hanging out at the playground while Max had soccer practice.  I'll admit it had been a long day and I was exhausted, so my fuse was a bit shorter than usual.

Will climbing up the slide while I tell him for the 100th time that the playground is really busy and he can only go down. . .

Mom:  Will, only go down the slide!
Will: Mommy, don't you know kids need to try new things!!

After the 200th time he tried to climb up the slide and I told him to sit out.

Mom: Sit down and take a minute.
Will:  How long do I have to sit?
Mom:  Count to 10.
Will stands up immediately
Mom: You did not just count to 10.
Will:  Yes I did.  I counted by 5's - see 5, 10, I'm done!

It was hilarious and I couldn't even argue with him.  Oh my, this boy is one funny kid!

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