Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Apple Picking

 I love memorial day weekend.  It gives us a last ditch effort at summer before fall really sets in.  We made the most of our day with a trip to Eckert's.

Max was so silly, but I love how you can see his few little freckles in this picture.  They are so cute!

We knew it was supposed to warm up on Monday so we headed out early - in fact we actually arrived 30 minutes before the pick your own farm even opened.  Oops.  At least the boys had some entertainment while we were in line.  The poor tractor driver had a really tough time backing one out.  It must have taken him 20 tries and the boys watched the whole time.  

 This guy was all about the apples.  Every time he pulled one from the tree he announced "Jack Man did it!" The look of satisfaction on his little face is just precious.

 I love watching my boys when they don't really know I'm watching.  These two pictures just melt my heart.  They are growing up so fast and I'm not ready for it.
  If you could have told me 10 years ago I would be mama to three boys I wouldn't believe it.  There is constant potty humor in our house.  Every where I turn there are stinky shoes.  I'm vastly outnumbered, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.  These four men mean the world to me!

Will was pretty excited to pick apples, and even more excited to eat them.  His laugh and smile are totally contagious.  I mean who could look at that grin and not smile themselves - it's impossible!
Stinky shoes and farts may be the norm in our house, but I love my role as a boy mom.  It's pretty fabulous even if it isn't very glamorous.

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