Friday, December 4, 2015

Traditions - Day 3

So yesterday after school Max found the note and learned that our activity for the day was to put out the nativity.  This sweet little nativity has seen better days. I actually bought it the day after our first married Christmas, so it's celebrating it's 12th year.  Poor baby Jesus' head is held on with tape and his left arm is no where to be found.  The boys still love it and take great pride is setting it up and hiding baby Jesus - something I remember doing when I was a kid.

Max, always a stickler for accuracy, made sure the wise men were far away and that baby Jesus was well hidden.  After all he hasn't been born yet and they wise me can't visit a baby that hasn't been born.

 This man is very much getting into the spirit.  I was upstairs folding laundry and he brought me a huge wad of taped up wrapping paper.  Inside?  A box of Crystal Light to go.  He is a boy after my own heart.  This is my second gift - it holds a lone glue stick.  I need to remember how sweet he is when he pushes my buttons at bedtime tonight.

After school Max will head over to the calendar again and find that today we get to hang up the Christmas stockings.

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