Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Christmas Eve

Wow.  What a wonderful whirlwind of fun!  It has taken me a few days to recover from all the celebrating, but I think I'm just about there.  It all started with Christmas Eve at our house.  With 40+ guests it was a bit chaotic, but a whole lot of fun.

The big boys couldn't wait to sprinkle the reindeer food in the front yard.  They know that in years past Santa showed up shortly after. 
 Jack wasn't too into it.  He was happy to hang out with his godfather and eat chocolate :)

Uncle Butch came in to celebrate with us and Will had a blast.  He kept begging for more and more attention and Uncle Butch was happy to give it to him!

 Max's room has a random fireplace upstairs.  It is a bit strange, but in the past Santa has come from upstairs while the boys waited at the front door.  This year they didn't want to miss him so they opened hte doors to the fireplace and camped out up there.  But lo and behold, Santa's bell started ringing in the front yard.  The boys couldn't contain their excitement as the big guy in red came around the house.

Santa had a gift for all three of the boys.  Jack was even willing to sit on his lap to get his present.  He just loves these fishing poles!

Poor Will was a bit disappointed in his gift.  He had asked or walkie talkies and was crushed when he didn't get them.  Santa reminded him that he still had his nighttime gift to deliver later and Will perked up a bit.

So often these days I feel like Max is all grown up.  Christmas Eve was a pleasant reminder that he is still my little Maxman.  He couldn't wipe the smile off his face - well until it was time to take pictures.

The evening was magical in every sense of the word.  We are so blessed to have an amazing family to celebrate with.  It truly is a wonderful life!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Will's Christmas Show

We love Will's preschool.  The things they do with the kids are pretty spectacular.  Today was no exception.  Will had a whole row of people to watch him perform in the Christmas program and he couldn't have been more proud.  

He is always such a ham you would expect him to really get into it up there, but he was actually rather reserved.  He sang the words and did his hand motions in a most dignified way :)

 Jack was excited to get a cookie when it was all over.  You can't have a cookie without Uncle Tim - AKA Cookie Monster - chatting with you.

We are so fortunate that Nonna, Nonno, Grandpa, and Uncle Tim were able to join us for the big celebration.  Will felt the love and he couldn't stop smiling.

Hard to believe that this time next year he will be halfway through kindergarten.  I'm just not ready for that!

My only consolation is that Jack is still our baby.  I'm excited to sign him up this same preschool next year.  At least we have a couple more Christmas programs to look forward too!

Talented Max

Max has the best music teacher.  Twice a year she lets the kids choose something to preform for the parents during the day.  I'll admit I tend to hear a whole lot of Katy Perry songs, but it's super cute.  Max played the drums - again.  He has drummed for every talent show since kindergarten.  Good thing he buddy is also a fan of drumming.

 He was a dynamite drummer.  After things were wrapped up the kids had couple minutes so the teacher had them all sing a song togehter about the 7 habits.  It was pretty cute to see Max actually sing with his classmates.

He promises he will sing next year.  He even has a plan.

Jingle bells, Batman smells. . .

Play Class

All semester Jack has been taking the family class at the early childhood center near our home.  These classes are wonderful and he loves them!  In fact when we pull onto the parking lot I hear him yell 'Play Class - WooHoo' loud and clear from the backseat.  He even used a fist pump for emphasis.

Tuesday was our last class and as usual he had a great time.  He started out selling me all kinds of food in the store during free choice time.  He isn't the biggest fan of circle time and songs, and he couldn't wait to get his hands on the crafts.  Jack had a great time gluing all kinds of shapes to this bag - I'm not too sure what the idea was behind it, but he had fun.

 The water table is always one of his favorites.  I feel like we have made great progress this year.  Last year he climbed right on top of the table to get a toy he couldn't reach.  He was drenched from head to toe.  This year he asked for help if he couldn't reach.  Progress.
 His very favorite part of every class - even better than snack - is the parachute.  I mean look at that smile!  He is so ridiculously proud as he lifts up and down to make the popcorn pop.  It is such a joy to watch!

We aren't going to sign up for any classes next semester.  Not because they haven't been fabulous, but because I have a few other things up my sleeve.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Sick Day

Max woke up with a fever in the middle of the night Saturday.  Will was complaining that his tongue and voice hurt.  I was feeling pretty crummy too.  Two urgent care trips later and we all have strep throat.  So that means a sick day today.  Nonna was kind enough to come over to help out for a few hours.  I ran to the grocery store and when I got home this is what I found.  All three boys and Nonna playing some crazy version of table hockey with play dough and kitchen spoons.  Very creative and super fun.  In fact Nonna proclaimed everyone healed based on their behavior.

I took Jack to see the doctor this afternoon just to be sure he wasn't also a victim.  He is in the clear, at least for now.  While being sick ins't fun, hanging out in pajamas with lots of TV and Nonna time hasn't been too awful either.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Traditions - Day 12

Whew.  It's been a busy few days.   Today's activity was  a big one.  We picked out the perfect family Christmas tree!
 Max was super excited about holding the tree up so I could take a peek to see if it was the one for him.  He was very serious about his job.

 Will was his usual silly little self.  He stretched with all his might to finally reach the trunk so he could help hold up our tree as well.

Jack was along for the ride and enjoyed running around checking out all the trees.  

We finally found a winner and the sales girl tied it to the roof of the van.  Max and Will thought it was pretty fun to climb up and see the tree on the top of our car.  I'm just glad it was a short drive home :)

So far the tree is in the stand with the lights and star on it.  Tomorrow's task - decorating!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Is it really December?

Oh my, what a beautiful day!  The temps reached 60 degrees today which is pretty much unheard of around here in December.  I'll take it :)

A new family moved in next door and they have two kids.  The kids love playing together and it has really been fun.  This afternoon the doorbell rang and the neighbor asked if Will could come out and play.  Jack had just woken up from his nap so we all headed outside.  I couldn't resist taking a couple pictures.

We love how well these two boys play together.  They took turns with the stomp rocket for over an hour.  They will both start kindergarten together next fall, so it's nice that Will knows a buddy going in.  Speaking of kindergarten, I got an e-mail about registration the other day.  It's just a couple weeks away.  I don't know why but that email made it seem so real. My little man in the middle is going to be in kindergarten all day, everyday.  I don't know what I'll do without him, this house will seem so empty without his spunky little self around.

 Thank goodness I'll still have this little on at home.  Well at least most of the time.  I got paperwork for his preschool registration this week too.  It's just going too quick.

We have known for a while that motor things are tough for this guy.  He does his very best, but he needs a bit more help.  We got the news that he qualified for our states early intervention program.  We meet with a physical therapist next week and I'm so excited about helping Jack to grow!  I can't wait to see what is in store for him!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Breakfast with Santa

Day five consisted of seeing Home Alone on the big screen with Daddy.  I think the anticipation of this for Mom and Dad was more fun than the actual movie for the boys.  But hey, they got M&M's so there is that.

Day six was a biggie . . . Breakfast with Santa!  It was a bit crazy trying to find a table after mass, but it was still lots of fun.  Everyone enjoyed their breakfast and no one cried.  Jack and Max hung out in line with me while we waited in line to see the big guy.

Will and Daddy worked together to make this super cute little craft.  Will was very proud of his elf!

Before we knew it our turn had come.  Will didn't want to sit on Santa's lap, but he was happy to stand next to him and jingle the bells.  Jack was a bit weary of the whole thing, but he held it together.  I think it had to do with the fact that Max was being super sweet and touching Jack's leg.  Jack knew he was safe because big brother Max was right there.   After the picture the big boys were able to tell Santa what they would like for Christmas.  Will wants a set of walkie talkies (I think Max is hoping Will gets them too) and Max wants a Toad game for his Wii U.  Hopefully they make the nice list.

 This little guy was being all kinds of snugly.  It just melted my heart to see him cuddle up with his godmother, Aunt Anna!

Lastly, here is the whole gang.  My boys are so incredibly lucky to have these amazing people in their lives!  I'm pretty lucky too :)

Traditions - Day 4

So on Friday the note told the boys to hang the stockings by the chimney with care. 

 Will carried the stocking hangers upstairs and Max did the honors of putting them on the mantle with the stockings.  They worked together and it was pretty cute.  

Jack just showed up for the picture :)

Will refused to get closer to Max here because he wanted to stand by his stocking, but he insisted that his stocking still be on the end.  Silly boy.

One more picture just for good measure.  I love these boys beyond measure!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Traditions - Day 3

So yesterday after school Max found the note and learned that our activity for the day was to put out the nativity.  This sweet little nativity has seen better days. I actually bought it the day after our first married Christmas, so it's celebrating it's 12th year.  Poor baby Jesus' head is held on with tape and his left arm is no where to be found.  The boys still love it and take great pride is setting it up and hiding baby Jesus - something I remember doing when I was a kid.

Max, always a stickler for accuracy, made sure the wise men were far away and that baby Jesus was well hidden.  After all he hasn't been born yet and they wise me can't visit a baby that hasn't been born.

 This man is very much getting into the spirit.  I was upstairs folding laundry and he brought me a huge wad of taped up wrapping paper.  Inside?  A box of Crystal Light to go.  He is a boy after my own heart.  This is my second gift - it holds a lone glue stick.  I need to remember how sweet he is when he pushes my buttons at bedtime tonight.

After school Max will head over to the calendar again and find that today we get to hang up the Christmas stockings.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Christmas Traditions

Everything is so much more fun with the kids.  I found a pattern for a quilted advent traditions project several years ago.  I bought the fabric and started it before I got pregnant with Jack.  Let's just say it was not a fun project - oh my how I dislike applique work.  I pulled it out last fall and finally finished it up just in time last year.  I hung it up when Max was at school yesterday and he was all excited when he came home.

The idea is that for each day there is a little something to do to get us into the holiday spirit.  Yesterday we had to read The Elf on the Shelf to see if our little friend, Elfie, would return again.  Bright and early this morning the boys burst into our room and told us that the magic worked and Elfie returned.  Max also told me that I didn't put anything in the number two yet.  Only two days in and I'm behind.  I need to work on that.

So while Max was at school I prepared for a few days worth of activities.  This afternoon when he came home he ran right over to see what was in number two.  It said to hang Christmas lights outside.  The boys loved it.  Max was so proud of the finished product that he did face time with Nonna and ran outside to show her.  It was so fun to see how excited the boys were just to throw a few strands of lights on the house.

Tomorrow we put up the nativity!