Sunday, April 5, 2015

Things Will Says

I just have to document these somewhere because otherwise I'll never remember. . .

As he climbs into bed with me every morning:
Will : (grabbing my arm to put it around him) It's William, let's snuggle.

As he climbs in to bed with me after watching lots of Octonauts, his new favorite show:
Will: (grabbing my arm to put it around him) It's Captain Barnacles, let's snuggle.

While getting dressed for bed I see a fully clothed Will but his underwear are still sitting next to him:
Mom: Will why didn't you put on your clean underwear.
Will: I don't want to wear underwear.  My peepee feels happy.

After watching me bump my head on a cabinet:
Mom: Ouch that really hurt!
Will:  I be right back Mommy!
Will: (returning to the kitchen a moment later)  Here Mommy, this make your booboo feel better.
Mom:  Thanks Will, that's so sweet of you.
Will:  (waits 10 seconds after he puts the bandaid on my head) It feels better now?
Mom: Yes, lots better.

When getting in and out of the car without having to put on a coat:
Will:  I just LOVE going coatless!!!
Mom:  Yep buddy, me too.

At the babysitting service at the gym:
Teacher to another kid:  See you can do it, it's easy.
Will yells across the room : Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

At an Easter party where I catch him eating another Oreo ball after I already cut him off:
Mom: William, I said no more oreo balls!!
Will: I have something to tell you 
Will leans in close to my face and holds up what is left of the Oreo ball.
Will:  This is REALLY HEALTHY!  It will help me grow strong.

He just cracks us up.  How can so much personality fit into such a little person?

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