Monday, April 27, 2015

Happy Birthday William!

Four. . . Really?!  It just doesn't seem possible.  I swear he just turned three last week, but I guess time flies and all that stuff.  He and I worked hard to make that oh, so beautiful cake.  Icing a cake with help from a four year old is a bit tough.

We celebrated four years of Will with a dinner at one of his favorite restaurants.  He and Max both love the cheese and crackers.  Honestly I think he picked it because he knows Max loves it.  Their relationship is so cute.  Don't get me wrong, there are times when they fight like crazy, but there are also lots of sweet moments.

Like when I hear Will tell Max he loves him - totally unprompted.  Or when we pick Max up from the bus stop and Will yells "I missed you Max!"

 Our sweet and silly little four year old is doing so well.  He has made huge gains lately on all things academic - counting, letters, writing his name.  It's so funny how Max just had all of that stuff down by three and Will just really wasn't interested until now.  As his teacher says, Will is a play based learner :)

He is also Mr. Social.  He makes friends everywhere we go.  You can't spend ten minutes with Will without laughing out loud.  He is just so funny!

We are so grateful for an amazing four years with our little William.  He brings so much love and laughter to our house.  And a bit of chaos.  We wouldn't trade it for anything.  We love you so much William, and we are beyond lucky to be your parents!

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