Sunday, April 5, 2015

Stirring Up Some Stone Soup

Towards the end of March we had a big family event - Max's first school musical!  Now music isn't necessarily Max's strong suit.  He can take it or leave it and he doesn't feel the most confident in this area.  We have really been working with Max to try things that might be a bit tough for him - soccer, swimming - and the more he does it the better he will get.  We want him to learn to persevere even when things are a bit tough.  The musical was a chance for him to shine at something that isn't necessarily his thing. . . and it was fabulous.
Grandma, Grandpa, Nonno, Mom and Dad were all in the audience for his grand debut.
We love Max's school.  His music teacher is wonderful.  I decided how great she was when she was more than willing to let Max attend music with other first grade classes rather than sitting on the sidelines of PE after he broke his arm.  She really let everyone shine.  There were several musical numbers and Max really got into them - especially the grumpy song where he got to stick out his tongue

In addition to the songs every first grader had a line to say.  Max's line was "And they were happy to have made a difference once again."  Seeing Max up there in front of a huge crowd saying his line loud and clear was just so sweet.  Afterward he was super proud of himself and he said he can't wait for the third grade musical.

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