Sunday, April 5, 2015

Eater Egg Hunt

We registered for a huge egg hunt at a local park for yesterday morning.  Nonna and Nonno were able to join us and the boys were pretty excited.

The boys patently waited for the first egg hunt to begin.  This one was for kids 0-2, so Jack was going to get his first chance to pick some eggs.  He was all excited on the sidelines and we actually had to hold him back from a couple false starts.

The big boys were super cute cheering Jack on for every egg he put into his basket.  I have to say this was a pretty great hunt.  There were kind families and no pushing for shoving all in the name of a generic Tootsie Rolls.

There was some drama with the big boys' hunt.  Somehow their hunt began - and was finished - while Jack's was going on even though it was scheduled for 20 minutes later.  Once we realized what had happened we let the big boys come into the little one and get some eggs.  There were so many eggs!!  They did pretty well even with the glitch.  Will's little evil grin cracks me up.  I think he was envisioning himself disappearing under the dinning room table to eat all the candy in one sitting.

Then there is Max lovingly holding his basket while envisioning how long his candy would last if he only ate one piece a week.

Then there was poor Jack.  Who was just all kinds of done by this point in the day.  Naptime, anyone?

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