Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Exersaucer

There are some things that Jack is doing that feel like such a right of passage.  I remember when Max first used the exersaucer and I remember when Will did too.  Max loved it right away.  Will loved it when Max showed him how it worked.  Jack is just like his brothers.  

He loves to hang out in it, but he loves it even more when his brothers are there to play with the toys with him.  Tonight he hung out while we had dinner on the porch and I couldn't help but take a few pictures.  He is just so amazing - all my boys are.  I feel like I'm savoring every first with Jack because we know he is our last.

It amazes me how quickly babies change.  They go from these little newborns that are so sweet but don't really engage to these silly, engaging, happy little individuals with preferences and personalities.  I also can't believe how big he is getting.  I look at his sweet little hands and I realize that before I know it they won't be baby hands any more.  Before I know it this sweet little guy will have sticky toddler hands like Will, and then kids hands with long fingers like Max.  For now, I'm just going to take in his sweet little baby hands and kiss them any chance I get.

Speaking of sticky hands like Will. . . I swear I turn my back for a second and this previously clean,  sweet little toddler is a sticky, dirty little mess.  It just melts my heart every time. 

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