Sunday, November 25, 2012

Here Comes Santa Claus

Yesterday was a wonderful day!  We headed to one of our favorite places - the Museum of Transportation - to see the big man in the red suit.  It also worked out that we met some friends that were in town for the holiday and Nonna and Nonno joined us too! 

The boys were enthralled by the holiday train exhibit.  They could have stood there and watched it go round and round for hours.  Then it was time for the main event.  Neither boy was too sure about the whole Santa thing.  Will was okay looking at him from the safety of Nonna's arms.

Max warmed enough to tell Santa that he wants some new cars for Christmas.  It was pretty cute to watch.  We were only about the fifth people to see Santa, so he was in really good spirits. 

Will on the other hand was not going to warm up to Santa.  It was okay with Nonna right there holding him, but as soon as she tried to hand him off all bets were off.  To Santa's credit, he tried to calm Will down by showing him his cool Christmas book, but Will just wasn't having it. 

Things looked up for Will as we waited for the miniature train.  Even though it was crazy cold both boys loved the train ride.  I think the grown ups felt the cold more than the kids.

We wrapped up or adventure with some time in the creation station.  Every time we visit Will seems to enjoy things more and more.  He also tends to latch on to one toy - this trip it was the green plastic phone from the house area.  He held on to that thing for dear life.  Good thing mommy doesn't freak out too much about germs - but I swear I really did try to make him keep it out of his mouth. 

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