Sunday, December 9, 2012

Salt Dough Fun

Little by little we are preparing for the holiday.  Last weekend Brian hung the Christmas lights outside - Max was so excited!  Every time we see Christmas lights he chants 'Chrismas Lights, Christmas Lights, Ho, Ho, Ho'.  It is the cutest thing ever because I remember doing that when I was little.  Will seems to like the lights as well - he jibber jabbers, but doesn't quite have the chant down yet.

Today Max and I worked on a fun little Christmas craft.  Who knows how it will turn out but he had lots of fun using the mixer to make his salt ornament dough and I think he had even more fun rolling out the dough.

Will was pretty cranky and just wanted to rest with his blankie.  He did at least give me his hand for his print. 

As I type the ornaments are baking in the oven.  I decided that Max has really big hands.  Hopefully once we paint and glaze them they will turn out pretty cute. 

I love the holidays - and spending them with the kids makes it even better!

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