Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy Belated Hallowen

The Dull Men

I know I'm about a week late on this, sorry about that.   Halloween was actually pretty uneventful.  We headed over to see Grandpa Jack and Uncle Tim. 

Will was in great spirits but Max was crazy cranky, and I think we figured out why when he fell asleep in the car on the way home.  Poor little guy didn't even get to go trick or treating.  Good thing he brought home quite the haul from school to make up for it.

Max demonstrating the spooky face we should carve into our pumpkin

The night before Halloween was pretty fun for Max.  He got to work with daddy to make a spooky jack o lantern.  He was too funny showing us what a spooky pumpkin should look like.  He told me to take a picture of his spooky face, so we would know how to carve the pumpkin.  

Daddy thought that the Internet would be a bit more helpful in coming up with a spooky face.  I swear Brian was very careful with that knife and Max wasn't quite as close as he looks.

It turned out pretty spooky if I do say so myself.  All in all another great holiday.  I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving in just a few weeks!

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