Monday, September 3, 2012

Blowing Bubbles

Silly Hurricane Isaac foiled our plans to go apple picking this weekend. It has done nothing but rain! This afternoon the clouds began to part just a bit so we went outside to blow some bubbles. This was one of Max's great ideas. At least once a day Brian or I hear Max say, "Hey, I have a idea!" It is too cute.

Will agreed that his big brother did have a great idea. Will had so much fun chasing the bubbles while big brother Max had a great time blowing them. I love Will's happy little smile. I can always tell when he is super excited because he give me one of these open mouth little smiles. Beautiful!

Max is so funny whenever we try to take his picture. His goal is to make the craziest faces possible. I think this one may be the best one yet. One of these days he will give us real, genuine smiles for the camera again - or at least I hope he will!

Every day that passes Will gets quicker and quicker on his feet. This shot shows exactly what I see most of the time I'm with Will. He is running away from me to go do something - more often than not the something is something he shouldn't be doing. I swear this child has no fear and he keeps us on our toes!

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