Sunday, August 19, 2012

One Week Down

and how many more to go? Max and I have successfully completed our first week of school. In some ways it feels like we never left. On our last day of freedom we met up with his buddy from school at Grant's Farm. I'm not sure which boy was crankier - Max or Will. Which of course led to a cranky momma. Good think Kim gets it an understand what it's like to have cranky kids.

There weren't too many animals out, but we did get to see the goats. Max enjoyed the experience because he stayed outside the fence.

Will just wanted to walk all over the place. He wasn't interested in feeding the goats but they did make him laugh a bit before he melted down.

After enjoying our last day of freedom we are getting back into the groove of school again. Max is loving playing with all his friends in the leaf room and I'm enjoying getting to know my new kiddos. It is fun as a teacher to have such a fresh, exciting start every year.

Tonight grandma and grandpa came over for dinner. Will had the best time sitting on grandma's lap and eating chips. He was a little mess - runny nose, red eyes, drool. . . I think he has allergies like brother and daddy. With the cooler temperatures we have been sleeping with the windows open and poor guy was just miserable this morning. I think we may need to call Dr. Joe tomorrow.

Max was so cute sitting and playing race cars with grandpa. He kept encouraging grandpa and telling him that he was doing a great job. It was adorable.

We are now refreshed and ready to start week number two.

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