Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Big Campout

Tonight is the night.  The night that Brian and Max have been talking about for the past two weeks.  The Big Campout.  We pitched a tent in the back yard - thanks Uncle Mike - and as I type Max and Brian are reading Bernstein Bear stories by flashlight in the back yard.  It is adorable. 

Since we couldn't find the air mattress Max and daddy worked to layer about 15 different blankets on the tent floor to help make it a little bit softer.  Will wanted to help too.  My three boys rolled around in the tent together for quite a while until Max started to get upset and said Will was messing everything up.

I hope by two brave boys sleep well out there tonight.  Although it is supposed to get pretty chilly.  I have a strong suspicion that they will be inside by 10pm.

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