Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Don't you just love that pumpkin? Brian stole the idea from someone else on Facebook and he was pretty proud of how it turned out.
Grandpa and Uncle Tim came by to see the kids in their costumes - and to pose for a couple pictures. I swear every time time I see the kids in their costumes they look cuter and cuter. Max celebrated the holiday at preschool with not one, but two, parties. I guess that is a perk of being a five day a week kiddo. After all the celebrating his yellow pants weren't looking quite as yellow.

This was the first year that Max went trick or treating and he loved it! He and daddy headed out while Will and I hung out and passed out candy to the few trick or treaters that came our way. I have to say that our first Halloween in the new house was a little sad. In our last house we would get 100 + visitors, tonight I think we got 20. I guess we will have to keep that in mind for next year.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!

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