Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bedrest - Day 17

At 38 weeks I'm feeling pretty done cooking this baby. Today is also day 17 of bedrest, with the increase in my blood pressure the doctor thinks it is better safe than sorry. So no cooking, cleaning, or chasing Max for me! I basically sit on the couch all day switching sides when my hip begins to ache. . . sounds like fun doesn't it? It will all be worth it in the end when Baby #2 makes his/her arrival! I think Max has seen mommy laying around a little too much because this is how I found him when I went to the restroom yesterday. He wanted to be just like mommy.

All in all we are more than ready for Baby #2 to arrive. Brian and I spent last night putting together the swing, bouncer, and pack n play - or more accuratly, Brian put everything together while I sat and supervised. Just getting these few things together makes me feel better. I swear I lay on the couch all day thinking of all the things I can do - then I write them on a list for Brian to take care of later.

I saw the doctor last Tuesday and will head in again this Wednesday. We have a c-section scheduled for Monday, April 25th at 9am. Sounds like a good day for a birthday, right? Now if only my blood pressure will hold steady until then. . . I really don't want to make another trek to the Women's Evaluation Unit at the hospital. I've been there three times over the past two weeks and it isn't too fun.

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