Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Home Sweet Home

We have been home for almost 24 hours as a family o four. I have to say I'm glad to be home. It was tough having our family split up for the past four days. Max has been giving Brian a run for his money and I missed my little Max Man!

Brian and I brought Will home yesterday with a clean bill of health. He had even gained an ounce our last day in the hospital! Who-hoo! We came home and got all set up before Brian went to pick Max up from daycare. When Max came home he was so excited to see mommy and baby Will. He couldn't wait for mommy to play trains and he was more than willing to help baby will with his pacifier.

Today Max is at day care again to give us a little time to relax and, drumroll please, get the yard tractor delivered from Sears! Brian is all excited about his riding lawn mower. He was telling Will all about it when I got out of the shower this morning. I think part of him is glad to have another boy to some day help with all the yard work.

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