Saturday, April 30, 2011

One Week and Growing!

Will is one week old. . . plus two days. I 'm a little late posting. Will was all ready to go on Thursday morning as we headed to the pediatrician his one week checkup. Fortunately, we were the only ones in the waiting room so I didn't have to worry too much about Will catching any crazy diseases. The doctor said that he looks great! He weighed in at 6 lb 8 oz - that's only one ounce less than his birth weight! I was thrilled with this. Max took a full two weeks to get back to birth weight and it was rather stressful. I'm glad that Will is packing on the pounds, or rather ounces.

We are settling into a routine at home. Will does pretty well at night so far, he wakes up every three hours to eat, but he does go back to sleep pretty easily. We have been trying to do some fun things with Max to help him with the transition. Thank goodness for Nonna Carlotta! She took Max on his first bus ride on Thursday, this may sound silly but he loves buses. He loved it! He was enthralled with the bus driver and can't wait to go on another bus ride soon. Nonna also came over and helped us bake some cookies yesterday. Will even woke up to see what all the excitement was about!

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