Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We have so much to be thankful here in the Dull household. Top on our list this year is our little man. We had a very busy day celebrating with family and friends.

We started our day out at Grandpa Jack's and Grandma Mindy's house. He had fun visiting with Uncle Tim, who is always up for some play time. It was great to see the rest of Mindy's family too. Max has grown so much since they last saw him. Max showed off his army crawl and he had fun hanging out in his high chair while we all ate. He even had sweet potatoes to celebrate - the Gerber variety of course :) We go to the pediatrician in a couple weeks for his nine month check up and I will talk to him about starting Max on some table foods. I'm sure he is just about ready, but I just can't do it yet.

Next on our list of stops was Nonna Carlotta and Nonno Mason's house. Things were a little crazy here. I think there were 30 plus people! I guess that is what you get with a big Italian family. Max was of course the center of attention. He was passed around from family member to family member and he didn't seem too bothered by any of it. He posed for a few pictured with Mario the Build A Turkey. I think the pictures were pretty cute!

Since it was Max's first Thanksgiving we wanted to get a family picture. Here we are with Mario the Turkey as an addition. I know that Max looks a little Christmasy - we are trying to get our money's worth from his outfit!

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