Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Max loved his first Halloween, or maybe mom and dad just loved celebrating it with him. On Thursday evening we went with Nonna Carlotta to Boo at the Zoo. It was pretty fun. The weather was beautiful and Max always loves to be outside. There were little kids all over the place in costume. I think I saw 20 spider men. There were decorations all over too. Max took time out to pose for a pic or two. As you can see he was the cutest little monster ever! He even got to ride on the carousel. We thought he would like the cheetah best:) Max was happy until it started to move, then he seemed a bit concerned. After a few seconds he was okay with it, although I don't think he loved it. To be honest, neither did mom. I think next time I will sit and take pictures while dad goes for the ride.

Last night we had friends over and we sat on the porch with Max passing out candy. We were disappointed that there weren't more kids. I can't wait until next year, or maybe the year after, when we can take Max out. He did get to go see Grandma Mindy and Grandpa Jack earlier in the day to show off his costume. Then we made a trip to Nonna's house too.
After a fun filled night, Max had another busy day today. We had music class this afternoon. There have moved on to a new theme. The past few weeks have been all about latin music. I am not sure if the change is for the better. We are now onto divas. I had to walk around the room with my little man while dancing to Man, I Feel Like a Woman. I didn't know that Shania Twain qualified as a diva. . . I guess I will have to stick it out to see what type of music is next!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Hi guys! Love the costume and the changes to the blog!
