Sunday, May 4, 2008

Driving Miss Daisy

Call me Morgan Freeman.

Ever since we have left the hospital Sarah has refused to ride in the front seat of the car. She insist to ride in the back of the car with Max. I have tried to convince her to return to the front seat like most mothers do, but the fear that Max will need something has kept her in the back. She can really be a back seat driver.

I have thought about putting out a tip jar so she can tip me a few bucks for all the rides I provide her. We even make our weekly trips to church and the St. Louis Piggly Wiggly, aka Schnucks.

Considering I'll be returning to work in 2 weeks she better get use to riding in the front seat otherwise the two will be house bound while I'm working.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I've been riding in the back seat since Graham was born. My driving advice flows freely and I don't tip! Maybe I'll sit in the front seat once he's big enough to be forward facing.