Monday, May 19, 2008

Two Months Already?

Well two months have come and gone. While it is amazing to see all the changes in our little one, it is also a bit sad. Brian headed back to work today, so I am officially on my own during the day. It was so nice to have him home with us and I know it is going to take some getting used to now that he is back to work.

Max also had his two month check up last Friday. Everything looked good! He weighed in at 11 lb 12oz and measured 23 1/2 inches. He is just growing so quickly. When I look at some of the earlier pictures it is hard to believe that it the same baby. At the end of the appointment came the tough stuff - the vaccinations. My poor little boy got four shots! Two in each of his little chubby thighs. I had tears in my eyes when he got them, it was so tough to watch! Luckily he didn't have any type of reaction to the shots. He goes back to the doctor again in July for his four month check up. Hopefully I will handle the shots a little better since Brian won't be there to be the strong one.

This past weekend Brian and I took Max to St. John's for a baby massage class. It was funny to see all these little babies getting massages. Max was the biggest boy there and he listened to the teacher very well. I just tried giving Max his first at home massage a few minutes ago and he loved it. He smiled and relaxed his little muscles. He looked so content. I will have to make this a common occurrence!

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